"Pravda la Survireuse" emerges as an experimental comic strip created in Paris by the Belgian artist Guy Peellaert. Serialized from January to December 1967 in the monthly magazine Hara-Kiri, it was later published as an album by Éric Losfeld in 1968. Serving as a continuation of Peellaert's earlier work, "Les Aventures de Jodelle," both pieces form the fundamental pillars of the artist's pop art era.
At the heart of this avant-garde creation is Pravda, an allegorical figure embodying the quest for truth, emancipation, and transcendence that defined the Western youth of the 1960s. Peellaert appropriates the angular visage and slender physique of singer Françoise Hardy, guiding his liberated heroine through a dreamlike, dystopian city influenced by the signs of consumerism and spectacle.
Pravda, liberated and solitary, explores this dystopian world atop a roaring motorcycle, transforming into a black panther as her adventures unfold. In perpetual discord with her environment, she provokes fascination, desire, and chaos wherever she goes.
"Pravda la Survireuse" is more than a comic; it is a radical exploration intricately tied to the critical gaze of pop art. Peellaert confronts the grand myths and utopias of his time, expressing his own ambiguity toward consumer society, oscillating between fascination and contestation. Pravda, as Peellaert admits, serves as his alter-ego, strongly influenced by the psychotropic substances he experimented with during that period.
With immediate success in pre-May 1968 France and across Europe, "Pravda la Survireuse" became a symbol of the sexual revolution in comics. However, its impact transcended these origins, transforming Pravda into an iconic figure of pop art and counterculture. The character inspired creators in diverse fields, including cinema, fashion, music, and performing arts.Exhibition - Pop Art
Françoise Hardy in motorcycle
Good condition
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