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À l'heure de l'observatoire les amoureux Los Angeles County museum of Art 1966

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The 1966 original exhibition poster by Man Ray for "À l'heure de l'observatoire – les amoureux" at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) is a captivating piece of art history. This poster was designed to promote the exhibition of Man Ray's works, showcasing his significant contribution to the Surrealist movement and modern art.

Man Ray, an influential American visual artist known for his avant-garde photography and paintings, created "À l'heure de l'observatoire – les amoureux" in 1936. The artwork is iconic, featuring a pair of sensual red lips floating in the sky above a landscape, symbolizing love and mystery. This surreal imagery is typical of Man Ray's style, blending elements of fantasy with reality to evoke deep emotions and thoughts.

The exhibition at LACMA opened on October 25, 1966, and was a major event in the art world. It provided an extensive look into Man Ray's prolific career, highlighting his innovative techniques and the breadth of his creative vision. The poster itself is a work of art, capturing the essence of Man Ray's unique style and his ability to challenge conventional perceptions of art and beauty.

The composition of the poster, with the bold red lips against a darkened sky, immediately draws the viewer's attention. The contrast between the vibrant lips and the muted background creates a striking visual effect, emphasizing the surreal and dreamlike quality of the image. This poster not only served as an advertisement for the exhibition but also as a standalone piece of art, reflective of Man Ray's genius.

The typography and layout of the poster are minimalist, allowing the artwork to take center stage. The artist's name, "Man Ray," is prominently displayed in a handwritten style, adding a personal touch and connecting the viewer directly to the artist. The exhibition details are clearly presented, making it easy for the audience to understand the significance of the event.

For collectors and art enthusiasts, this original exhibition poster is a valuable artifact. It represents a pivotal moment in art history, where Man Ray's work was celebrated and his influence on modern art was recognized. The poster's design and the artwork it features continue to inspire and captivate audiences, maintaining its relevance and appeal even decades after the exhibition.

In summary, the 1966 original exhibition poster by Man Ray for "À l'heure de l'observatoire – les amoureux" at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art is a remarkable piece that encapsulates the essence of Man Ray's artistic vision. It stands as a testament to his enduring legacy in the art world and his ability to create timeless works that transcend conventional boundaries.

Exhibition - Surrealism

Good condition, creases, pinholes, small tears

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