In 1952, Kurth Wirth created an original travel poster that showcased the cultural richness of Switzerland through its depiction of five individuals adorned in traditional attire. Against a backdrop that evokes the essence of Swiss heritage, the poster captures the spirit of the country's vibrant customs and traditions.
Through Wirth's meticulous attention to detail, each figure exudes a sense of authenticity, reflecting the diversity and character of Swiss culture. From the intricate patterns of their garments to the proud posture of their stance, the figures stand as representatives of Switzerland's storied past and enduring identity.
Rather than focusing on sweeping landscapes or iconic landmarks, Wirth's poster invites viewers to immerse themselves in the everyday life of Switzerland, offering a glimpse into the timeless traditions that have shaped its heritage. It celebrates the country's rich tapestry of customs, from folk festivals to artisanal craftsmanship, inviting travelers to experience the warmth and hospitality of Swiss culture firsthand.
Tourism - Switzerland
SNTO - J. C. Muller Switzerland
Good condition, slight creases
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