The 1981 original poster by Coluche, "Votez La!", is an iconic piece of political satire and cultural commentary from one of France’s most beloved comedians and social figures. Coluche, renowned for his humor and sharp critique of political and societal norms, created this poster as part of his infamous—and symbolic—campaign for the French presidency in 1981.
Coluche’s satirical presidential campaign was launched with the slogan “Votez Coluche, un seul pour foutre le bordel” (Vote Coluche, the only one to stir up trouble), and the "Votez La!" poster became a central element of his campaign’s messaging. The phrase itself is intentionally ambiguous, irreverent, and provocative—reflecting Coluche’s unique approach to challenging traditional political structures and norms.
The 1981 election in France was a pivotal moment in the nation’s history, with François Mitterrand ultimately becoming the first Socialist president of the Fifth Republic. Against this serious political backdrop, Coluche’s campaign offered a humorous yet pointed critique of the political establishment. The poster encapsulated his trademark mix of absurdity and insight, poking fun at the political elite while resonating with everyday citizens who felt disillusioned with conventional politics.
While Coluche ultimately withdrew from the race, citing pressures from political and media establishments, his campaign and its messaging had a lasting impact. The "Votez La!" slogan became a symbol of resistance to political conformity and a reminder of the power of humor and satire in confronting societal issues.
Today, the poster holds immense cultural and historical value. It represents not only Coluche’s unique role in French culture but also a moment when humor challenged the status quo. For collectors, the "Votez La!" poster is more than a political artifact—it is a testament to the enduring legacy of Coluche’s wit, courage, and unwavering dedication to giving a voice to the marginalized and the disenchanted.
Original poster
Politics - Caricature - France
Good condition
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