The 1977 original Soviet poster by Kukryniksy, titled "Caricature soviétique: Carte à jouer" (Soviet Caricature: Playing Card), is a satirical masterpiece reflecting the political climate of the late Cold War. Created by the renowned Soviet caricaturist trio Kukryniksy—Mikhail Kupriyanov, Porfiry Krylov, and Nikolai Sokolov—the work exemplifies the collective's sharp wit and biting critique of geopolitical opponents.
This poster emerged during a period of intense ideological rivalry between the Soviet Union and the West. By the 1970s, propaganda art had become a key tool in the USSR's efforts to shape public opinion and reinforce socialist values. Kukryniksy’s posters frequently targeted capitalism, imperialism, and Western political systems, presenting them as corrupt, greedy, or deceitful. Their works often used humor and allegory to communicate complex political messages in a way that resonated with a wide audience.
Kukryniksy was known for their satirical brilliance and innovative approach to propaganda art. Their works combined bold visual elements with layered symbolism to critique their subjects. The trio often used allegories, metaphors, and caricatures to simplify political narratives, making their messages accessible to the general population. This approach aligned with the Soviet government's desire to use art as a means of ideological education and mass mobilization.
The 1977 poster represents the enduring influence of Kukryniksy in Soviet cultural history. Their ability to merge artistic creativity with political messaging made their works iconic in the realm of 20th-century propaganda. Today, posters like this serve as valuable historical artifacts, offering insights into the Soviet perspective during the Cold War and the role of art in shaping public discourse.
Original Poster
Caricature - USSR - Cold War
Good condition, slight restorations
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