Die Lehre Des Wolfes (1891-1968)
Die Lehre Des Wolfes (1891-1968)

Die Lehre Des Wolfes (1891-1968)

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Politics - Photography - Photomontage - Germany - Anti-Semitism

The "working session of the Reich professional group of higher education professors of the League of National Socialist German Lawyers", which met under the chairmanship of Professor Carl Schmitt, established the following principle: "The concept "human being" must be rejected. It distorts and distorts the differences between Volksgenosse, Reichsbürger, foreigner, Jew, etc.
"The notion of 'animal' must be rejected. It distorts and falsifies the differences between the sheep, the hen, the goose, the donkey, the horse, the rabbit, the calf, the goat, in short, those beings who are only there to be eaten by me.”

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