The 1970 original exhibition poster by Enzo Mari, titled "Contenir Regarder Jouer," serves as a captivating invitation into the world of design and creativity. Created for the exhibition held at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, it embodies Mari's innovative approach to form and function.
Produced and published by Danese and printed by Lucini in Milan, the poster reflects Mari's collaboration with leading figures in the design industry. Through bold typography and minimalist design, it encapsulates the essence of his aesthetic philosophy, emphasizing simplicity, utility, and elegance.
Mari's distinctive style is evident in the poster's clean lines and geometric shapes, which evoke a sense of harmony and balance. As a pioneering figure in Italian design, Mari is renowned for his emphasis on the relationship between form and function, seeking to create objects that are not only visually appealing but also practical and user-friendly.
The exhibition itself offers viewers a glimpse into Mari's creative process, showcasing his iconic designs and exploring the concepts of containment, observation, and play. From furniture to household objects, Mari's work transcends traditional boundaries, blurring the lines between art and design.
The collaboration between Mari, Danese, and Lucini underscores the poster's significance as both a promotional tool and a work of art in its own right. With its sleek design and understated elegance, it captures the essence of Mari's design philosophy while inviting viewers to engage with the world of contemporary design.
Museum of decorative arts productions and editions of Danese
Lucini Milano
Good condition
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